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These video testimonials include Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients of diverse backgrounds that recount how the DACA program has improved their lives. Three of these stories are available in Spanish (Maritza, Eduardo, and Cynthia). These videos are available for organizations to customize by adding contact information to the last 10 seconds of the clips. To receive a copy of these videos to customize, contact

Katherine Asuncion

Katherine tells the many ways DACA has improved her life. She got a Social Security number, a drivers license, and a better job.

Luke Hwang

Luke is in graduate school now and DACA has helped him fulfill his dream to become a scientist.

Amy Lin

Amy was nervous about DACA.  She's glad her friends and family pushed her to apply. She wants others to take the chance, and apply too.

Tatiana Murillo

Before Tatiana had DACA, she was not happy with her job situation. Now she has a better job and helps others in the community.

Diego Rosales

Diego used to be afraid of getting deported. He had low paying jobs in construction.  After he got DACA, he found a job in a financial institution, teaching people in the community.

Maritza Correa (Spanish)

Maritza ha utilizado DACA para obtener mejores oportunidades de empleo. Ella subraya la importancia de unirse a una organización local de inmigración para obtener aún más ayuda. Ahora, Maritza es la que ayuda a la gente de su comunidad.

Eduardo Resendiz (Spanish)

Eduardo comparte que tenía sus dudas sobre la solicitud de DACA. Pero ahora, él ha utilizado DACA para alcanzar sus sueños.

Cynthia Velazquez (Spanish)

Cynthia señala que regresó a la escuela de adultos para poder cumplir con los requisitos educativos para la solicitud de DACA. Conseguir su educación le permitió solicitar el programa de DACA y el programa cambió su vida.